


It’s a noun and a value that means being honest and transparent with yourself. It is about not pretending in a way that tries to put a mask over your true feelings. It is also about not pretending in a way that is trying to trick others or manipulate them.


Interesting Fact #1

Sincerity is not about truth, facts, or accurate representation of something. This is why it is called a moral and virtue. Sincerity is very personal to your own beliefs - like the uniqueness of a zebra’s stripes.

Wise Words from Around the World

Use no hurtful deceit. think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
— Benjamin Franklin
When a cat flatters ... he is not insincere: you may safely take it for real kindness.
— Walter Savage Landor

Sincerity in Action

  • Body language is a great way to show that you are interested, listening, and engaged in the other person. This is sincere body language.

    1. Make steady eye contact. It’s ok to look away every once in a while and to blink!

    2. Maintain a conversation- ready posture. Lean forward a tad toward the person you're talking to shows you are present.

    3. Don't overthink it. Tips 1 & 2 help with some ways to have manners and practice active listening. Sincerity is organic.

  • Sincerity requires self-awareness and reflection. Make a list of your top values, think about your strength and weaknesses, and grow your confidence with positive self-talk.

  • It is helpful to to get constructive feedback but it can be tough to hear anything that can sound negative. Sincerity involves opinions and it is ok to take some feedback in and to leave some at the door.

    You can also practice sincerity with open-ended questions. That is a question that allows the other person to elaborate on what they just said.



